Þ    Students must occupy the rooms allotted to them by the Warden.
Þ    Students should refrain from anti-social and undesirable activities such as consumption of alcohol, tobacco, gambling, ragging,Immoral sexual behavior etc.
Þ    Students are responsible for the cleanliness of their rooms.
Þ    No Boys’ should enter Girls’ room in any case and vice versa.
Þ    No student will be allowed to leave the hostel based on a phone call.
Þ    Parents are requested to give a list of authorized visitors/local guardians.

Þ    Visitors not mentioned in the list  will not be permitted to visit the students in the hostel.
Þ    Students will be permitted to go home only if the college is closed continuously for five days or more.
Þ    Any students wishing to attend a function in the house, marriage or any other ceremony will be permitted to go only if the request  is made by the parents.
Þ    No hosteler should go anywhere without the permission of the warden.
Þ    All the students are compulsory to attend the Sunday Worship Service, Sunday School and Devotions.
Þ    Study Hours should be strictly observed.